Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Let the countdown to work commence.....

So, I have not updated this blog in well over a month. There goes one of my goals for 2010. Oh well.....

Anyway, things with Madison have been great! She is 2.5 months now and I can't believe all of the new things she has been doing. She is smiling and cooing all of the time and she is mesmerized by her hands. It is hilarious to watch her stare at them and eat them. Forget rattles and shit - it's her new fave toy. So, I go back to work three weeks from this Friday. There are times I am super excited about going back and other times I cannot imagine leaving my peanut at daycare. We are each other's favorite playmates and I have loved every minute of it. So, I am going to relish and soak in every last minute of my last three weeks with her before I go back to the grind and the added stress of work.

Don't get me wrong, I love my job and the people I work with (most of them, anyway) but having a baby changes your perspective like nothing I thought possible. Granted, I don't think I could be a stay at home mom (SAHM), and I commend those women that are, but I am worried about how I will balance it all....and balance it all well. I have heard that going back to work makes you cherish those momentd with your children that much more. I am sure I will be the same way - I just hope those "moments" aren't for just an hour when I get home after a long day at the office. Oh well....

I am not the first and certainly will not be the last woman to be a working mom so I know I'll be fine. I think it's more the anticipation of it all....

Anyway, my little "punkin" is telling it's time to play. Until next time...,..

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

We're back....and on a new blog....

So, I have not blogged in awhile but so much has happened since I last blogged on my old blog site - However, that blog was so hard to update (I had to use Jon's Mac) and this way, I can update the blog more often (or, at least try to).

First, our little angel arrived on Tuesday, November 24, 2009 at 11:32 p.m. She weighed 7 pounds, 14 ounces and was 21 inches long. She will be one month tomorrow and I cannot believe how that time has already flown by. She is perfect in every way and it's hard to even remember what life was like before she was here. It's our first Christmas as a family and I could not be more excited. Yes, we are tired but Madison is sleeping VERY well at night so I am not complaining. I am actually looking at her sleeping in her Little Lamb swing right now and can't help but wonder if life could get any better. Okay, enough lovey dovey crap. I am still in the process of updating this blog to at least look respectable so give me some time for that. I will have much more updates (and better yet, photos and video) after Christmas. Stay tuned....